Date - 2024-07-27   Time- 09:09  
Goods sheds directory of East Central Railway
Please click on the button mentioned below to find Goods sheds directory of East Central Railway.
Ø  Alternatively, the shown map can be zoomed in/out to locate a particular goods shed; whose details will be displayed in the left after clicking on the map marker.
Ø  Left menu displays different headings within which Goods sheds of different divisions have been listed in. Listed Goods shed’s name has to be clicked in order to find out respective details, along with highlighting the selected goods shed on the map shown.
Ø  Alternatively, the shown map can be zoomed in/out to locate a particular goods shed; whose details will be displayed in the left after clicking on the map marker.
Ø  Along with the photographs; details pertaining to Goods sheds include type of local administration, features of wharf, contact of concerned Railway Staff, volume and type of traffic being handled among many others.
Ø  Any feedbacks/suggestions may please be forwarded to